Roof Rats
A blackish (or brownish), medium-sized, slender rat with long, naked, scaly tail; tail usually longer than head and body but not always so. External measurements average: total length, 370 mm; tail, 190 mm; hind foot, 36 mm. Weight, up to 200 g

Norway Rats
Similar to the roof rat but larger and chunkier; tail shorter than length of head and body. External measurements average: total length, 440 mm; tail, 205 mm; hind foot, 46 mm. Weight, 400-500 g.
House Mice
A small, scaly-tailed mouse with a distinct notch in the cutting surface of upper incisors (seen best in side view); hair short; ears moderately large and naked; upper parts ochraceous, suffused with black; belly buffy white, or buffy, usually without speckling and with slaty under fur; yellowish flank line usually present; tail brownish with black tip, not distinctly bicolor, but paler on underside; ears pale brown, feet drab or buffy, tips of toes white. Mammae in four or five pairs. External measurements average: total length, 169 mm; tail, 93 mm; hind foot, 18 mm. Weight of adults, 17-25 g.