Large pigeon. Color variable, but wild birds are gray. White rump. Rounded tail, usually with dark tip, Pale gray wings have two black bars. Wings broad with moderately pointed wingtips. Size: 29-36 cm (11-14 in) Wingspan: 50-67 cm (20-26 in) Weight: 265-380 g (9.35-13.41 ounces).
Sparrows are small to medium-sized, ranging in length from LeConte’s sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii), as small as 11 cm, to the rufous-sided towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus), up to 22 cm. Generally, sparrows have dull plumage with distinctive head markings; the exceptions are the brightly colored towhees and the sharply patterned juncos and longspurs. Males and females of most species are similar in size and plumage; eg, male and female song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), widespread in Canada, are virtually indistinguishable by plumage alone.
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Male Grackle
Size: 28-34 cm (11-13 in); Wingspan: 36-46 cm (14-18 in); Weight: 74-142 g (2.61-5.01 ounces); Large blackbird, Iridescent black all over, Long tail, keel-shaped in flight, Eyes yellow, Bill black and moderately long and stout, Head, neck, and breast glossy purplish-blue or green, Widespread bronzed form has brassy bronze body, contrasting with purplish head, Coastal purple form has entire body glossed purple.

Female Grackle
Adult female
Large and lanky with stout, black bill
Dark gray upperparts and wings
Tawny/rufous head and breast
Mid-Atlantic population shows dark eyes