Best Ant Removal Method: Why Hire an Expert Ant Control Company


Trying to combat an ant infestation in your home can be a nightmare. Ants are among the most numerous insects on the planet and it seems that every time you kill one, ten more take its place. You’ve tried sprays and traps from the hardware store, you’ve done your best to secure your food and keep your windows closed, but the little pests just keep marching back in.

If you’ve been struggling with an ant problem in Greater Houston and you’re desperate for a solution, your most reliable option is to hire a professional pest control company. Here’s why:

Top 3 Reasons to Use Professional Ant Control
  1. Training & Experience – You might have the misconception that pest control is as simple as setting a few traps, but that’s exactly why you haven’t been able to get rid of ants on your own. Removing ants from a home in Houston requires strategic application of pest control treatments to completely destroy the nuisance colony infesting your property. Licensed and trained pest control technicians will know what’s unique about the ant species invading your home, how to locate the ants’ nest and what the best method to eliminate them is.
  2. Effective Results – The best advantage of hiring a professional ant removal company is that they have the tactics and the tools to thoroughly exterminate your infestation. They will place traps or apply spray treatments to exterminate all of the ants from your Houston home as quickly as possible. Licensed pest control technicians are committed to results, so if ants return to your property, they’ll be back to perform follow-up treatments and finish the job.
  3. Safety & Precision –  Ant control can be dangerous. Most ant species, like tawny ants and pharaoh ants, can spread harmful bacteria. Fire ants have a venomous sting and will attack in a swarm if they feel threatened. Beyond the dangers of ants themselves, the chemicals used to eliminate them can be harmful if sprayed around by a novice. Pest control professionals are trained to make careful pesticide applications that ensure both maximum efficacy and that harmful chemicals won’t be a danger to you or your household.

Let Us Solve Your Ant Problem Today

Bring in a reliable solution to your ant problem before the pests conquer your kitchen cupboards. Connect with LanYap Pest Control today for the most dependable ant control services in the Greater Houston area, including Pasadena, Deer Park and La Porte!